Dr. Andrew J. Leland talk with a happy woman

Welcome to Leland Orthodontics! We do more than just straighten teeth here — our expert team helps you put your best smile forward with individually tailored treatment for patients of all ages. We’re able to accomplish this by combining cutting-edge technologies with the latest in orthodontic techniques. Our practice offers 3D X-rays, digital scanning, and in-house 3D printing to tackle every orthodontic challenge. That includes any concerns you have about your teeth! 

We’re excited to help you achieve the healthiest version of your smile, a journey that begins with a complimentary consultation in our state-of-the-art Reno office. You may be feeling a little nervous about his initial appointment, particularly if you aren’t familiar with the orthodontic process. This is completely normal, but we’re committed to making your experience with us as comfortable and stress-free as possible. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what you can expect from your first visit with us! 

The basics of your orthodontic evaluation

When you arrive, you’ll be warmly welcomed by our front desk team and given a brief office tour. This will help you feel more comfortable with your surroundings and make your appointment a more enjoyable experience! We’ll then take some digital photographs of your mouth and complete a 3D X-rays to give us a good look at what’s happening beneath the surface of your smile. This provides Dr. Leland with useful information about your erupted and unerupted teeth, as well as your facial features and jaw relationship. 

Once we’ve collected all the images we need, you’ll meet Dr. Leland. He’ll perform a brief but thorough oral examination, which involves him looking in your mouth with a mirror. This exam takes about five minutes. You may also be asked some questions about your oral health concerns. Along with the images we’ve taken, Dr. Leland will use this information to make an initial diagnosis and create a customized treatment plan for you.  

We want to be sure you understand each step of the treatment process, so you can expect this initial visit to last about an hour. This gives us more than enough time to perform your oral exam, go over your diagnosis, and answer any questions you may have. We’ll also cover several important topics with you during this time, including: 

  • If treatment is needed immediately or if waiting is recommended
  • The treatment options we offer
  • An estimate of how long we expect treatment to take
  • The total investment required for your new smile
  • Any payment, financing, and insurance options available to you

No two smiles are alike, and every patient comes with very specific needs. That’s why Dr. Leland will build a treatment plan around your unique smile! He’ll consider your needs, lifestyle, and goals to create a rewarding smile journey with highly personalized results. 

Your investment in a straighter smile 

Once you’ve decided on a treatment plan with Dr. Leland, our treatment coordinator will work with you to fashion a financial arrangement that works for your budget. Every case is different, and each patient will respond to treatment in their own way, so there’s no “one size fits all” fee. The total cost of your treatment will be based on several factors, including the severity of your case, the expected treatment time, and the orthodontic appliances required. You don’t have to worry about hidden fees as we will always be transparent about what’s included in your treatment plan! 

We believe everyone should have access to the treatment they need for a healthier and happier smile. We have numerous financing options available to you, including in-house 0% payment plans, Care Credit, and a pay-in-full discount! If you have insurance that will be covering any portion of your orthodontic treatment, we’re happy to help you with insurance claims, questions, and paperwork. We do ask that you call with your insurance information before your first visit so we can check the benefits before you come in for your exam. 

The next steps in your orthodontic journey

Once your consultation with us is complete, you’re one step closer to a beautiful smile. If the schedule allows, we can begin treatment that same day! If same-day treatment isn’t available or you prefer to come back at a later date, we’ll schedule an appointment for you to have your new orthodontic appliance placed. During this visit, our team will be available to make sure you’re comfortable, answer any questions you have, and walk you through caring for your teeth and appliances during treatment.

Depending on your treatment plan, we’ll want to see you for follow-up visits every 6-10 weeks or so. Dr. Leland will use these appointments to assess your progress and make sure everything is proceeding as it should be. If you’re wearing braces, he’ll make any necessary adjustments and may choose to change the wire out as well.  

These visits are a critical part of every treatment plan. While we do our best to schedule them for a day and time that’s convenient for you, we know things can come up unexpectedly. If you can’t make your appointment or will be running late for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible so we can get you rescheduled. This not only keeps your treatment plan on track but also allows our office to continue running smoothly.

A confident smile is waiting for you at Leland Orthodontics

Orthodontics is more than straightening teeth — it’s all about creating a fantastic smile, and a beautiful profile, and positioning the teeth and jaws in a way that promotes long-term health. Our expert team is dedicated to giving you a smile that will remain attractive and functional for your whole life! If you haven’t already scheduled your first visit, there’s never been a better time to get started. Get in touch today to request a free consultation with Dr. Leland!